So, as a followup to parts 1 and 2, per WordPress Trac ticket #7001, WordPress 2.6 has split up the login cookies into three parts: what was the one and only login cookie in 2.5 is now limited to /wp-admin there’s a copy of that one that’s just limited to /wp-content/plugins, for backward compatibility with [...]
Posted 03 August 2008
Web Programming
Also tagged: 2.6, action hook, add_action, admin_cookie_path, authentication, auth_redirect, cookie, cookie path, cookie paths, COOKIEPATH, cookies, do_action, hook, is_user_logged_in, plugin, plugin api, security, set_auth_cookie, user, user authentication, wordpress, wordpress 2.6, wp, wp2.6
Having stated the problem and now played further, I’ve got good news and bad news. The good news is that there’s an action hook, ‘set_auth_cookie’, that gets called whenever the cookies are set, so if the stuff for which you want to authenticate is on the same server but at a different path, you can [...]
Posted 29 July 2008
Web Programming
Also tagged: 2.6, action hook, add_action, admin_cookie_path, authentication, auth_redirect, cookie, cookie path, cookie paths, cookies, do_action, hook, plugin, plugin api, security, set_auth_cookie, user, user authentication, wordpress, wordpress 2.6, wp, wp2.6
I’ve been hoping for the last hour or two that there’d be just one post on this topic, giving the problem and solution all together, but I have yet to solve it and so I’m just going to post the issue for now, until I have a solution. As a security measure in WP2.6, login [...]
Posted 29 July 2008
Web Programming
Also tagged: 2.6, admin_cookie_path, authentication, auth_redirect, cookie, cookie path, cookie paths, cookies, security, user, user authentication, wordpress, wordpress 2.6, wp, wp2.6
After implementing other pages that used WordPress to authenticate users and deal with access control, I went to move these pages off to a subdomain, and suddenly found that auth_redirect wasn’t quite working right. When auth_redirect is called and doesn’t find a logged-in user, it redirects to login and passes the URI of the current [...]
Posted 16 April 2008
Web Programming
Also tagged: 2.5, authentication, auth_redirect, filter, filter hook, login, php, pluggable, plugin, user, user authentication, wordpress, wordpress 2.5, wp, wp plugin, wp2.5, wp_redirect, wp_safe_redirect
Plenty of people seem to have written a lot about how to make WordPress use some other program’s user authentication mechanism, but there seems to be fairly little on how to get at WordPress’s user authentication from some other program. Fortunately, I found this article, and got what I wanted. It’s a fairly straight-forward process. [...]
Posted 12 April 2008
Web Programming
Also tagged: 2.5, authentication, auth_redirect, login, php, user, user authentication, wordpress, wordpress 2.5, wordpress login, wp, wp2.5