Even though the post title and first paragraph are about calling out a sound-and-fury-signifying-nothing alert, most of his post is good stuff on WordPress, with lots of links. … there is a wave of attacks going around targeting old WordPress blogs, particularly those on the 2.1 or 2.2 branch. They’re exploiting problems that have been [...]
Posted 14 April 2008
Tagged: alert, false alarm, false alert, faulkner, hack, ma.tt, macbeth, security, shakespeare, sound and fury, sql, wordpress, wp
To the best of my knowledge and research, my LJ-code-base Site Statistics page (lj-stat) has the most comprehensive list of sites running off of LiveJournal’s codebase (if you know of any that I’ve missed, please let me know). The main point, though, is the comparative statistics. This is where things get strange. LJ and most [...]
Posted 13 April 2008
Tagged: blogonline.ru, bloty, blurty, calieda, cj, commiejournal, crazylife, deadjournal, dj, gj, greatestjournal, ij, insanejournal, iziblog, journalfen, livejourbal, livejournal, livelogcity, lj, lj.rossia.org, lostjournal, scribbld, scribblit, statistics, stats, sviestaciba
Plenty of people seem to have written a lot about how to make WordPress use some other program’s user authentication mechanism, but there seems to be fairly little on how to get at WordPress’s user authentication from some other program. Fortunately, I found this article, and got what I wanted. It’s a fairly straight-forward process. [...]
Posted 12 April 2008
Web Programming
Tagged: 2.5, authentication, auth_redirect, login, php, user, user authentication, user login, wordpress, wordpress 2.5, wordpress login, wp, wp2.5
… or “How I learned to stop worrying and just sell my friends hosting.” I have many friends who aren’t particularly techie types. Actually, I have very few techie friends. And they all figure I’m the go-to guy for their tech questions. Hence, I get asked to “help out” with setting up web sites now [...]
Posted 11 April 2008
Tagged: dns, domain name, domains, email, godaddy, host, hosting, luxsci, no-ip, rapidvps, vendors, web, web site, website, worldwidedns
I have about as many WinXP machines as OS X machines around here (and a few OpenBSD boxes, but that’s beside the point), and yet I find it’s rare that I touch anything other than the Macs anymore. Why? Well, I suspect it’s the same reason I keep seeing little things here and there that [...]
Posted 10 April 2008
Mac OS X
Tagged: 'nix, apple, bsd, komodo edit, mac, os x, parallels, textpad, transmit, unix, win, winscp, winxp
Recently (yesterday? today?), a hosting provider I inhereted when I took over a web site decided to add a CAPTCHA to their login page. That is, every time I want to log in to their control panel, I have to do their CAPTCHA, which is one of the harder ones to read that I’ve seen. [...]
Somehow, I get the feeling that I’ll be doing this more and more often over the next decade or two. I’m just about done transferring my domains to GoDaddy. This especially amuses me because for the past few years I’ve been with one of their reselling partners. At the start, this partner was slightly cheaper [...]
A few weeks ago, I upgraded my primary server to some version of php5 (from php4). It’s been some time since I moved from php3 to php4 (even though I still have some files with a .php3 extension), but I don’t remember it being a huge change. I upgraded because there was some small feature [...]
Having noticed what seemed like it might be an urgent-ish security-related post show up in the mass of post links at the bottom of my WordPress dashboard, then following some links: There seems to be two kinds of hackery going on, just like I’ve described: 1. Inserting “invisible” HTML full of links (for NSFW sites) [...]