Comments on: Another WordPress+bbPress Integration Gotcha Miscellaneous Technological Geekery Sun, 28 Feb 2010 01:51:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tue, 13 May 2008 01:03:11 +0000 Did you check the database secret that I'm talking about in this entry? It's a different thing than the SECRET_KEY. Look at wp-admin/options.php and see what the value is for "secret" (copy it), then go into bbPress, to Admin > Settings > WP Integration and see if it matches the "database secret" shown there--if not, paste in what you just copied from WP. Did you check the database secret that I’m talking about in this entry? It’s a different thing than the SECRET_KEY. Look at wp-admin/options.php and see what the value is for “secret” (copy it), then go into bbPress, to Admin > Settings > WP Integration and see if it matches the “database secret” shown there–if not, paste in what you just copied from WP.

By: Terry Ng Terry Ng Tue, 13 May 2008 00:35:47 +0000 I tried the secret key from WP 2.5.1. Still having issues. Any other ideas? Was working great before the update. I tried the secret key from WP 2.5.1. Still having issues. Any other ideas? Was working great before the update.
